
Perfect for advertising or brightening up a room! Display your artwork with our specially printed posters.

Digitally printed on our 100% recycled medium weight stocks, our posters remain just as bright and detailed as your original artwork. Posters are the ideal choice for advertising your business or showcasing upcoming events. For one-off designs and prints, head over to our Art Prints section here.


Available up to A3 our largest size!

  • Unicorn is our core paper stock. It’s great for your standard day-to-day prints, perfect for printing bright colours.
  • Beluga Smooth is the best option if you are wanting a satin finish. It’s a stark white paper with a light coating, creating a smooth shiny print.
  • Elephant Natural adds a warmer tone to your colours when printed.
  • Try Oribi Straw for a vintage look! Heavy with flecks as it’s made from 100% agricultural waste.
  • Our posters can easily be rolled up to fit into tubes.
  • Files should be submitted in CMYK colour profile and at 300DPI.
  • Your artwork needs to be provided at the size you want with a 3mm bleed, see our helpful bleed guide here.

Build your print

Upload your artwork on the cart page

Want to layout and preview your prints? Order on desktop and use our artwork preview tool.

Please select a paper type to see available weights

Multiple artworks?

We can run multiple artworks on this product. Just add your variations and we will calculate the total price using our bulk pricing model.

Reel them in

Posters are the best way to advertise your business, announce an event or display menus or listings. All it takes is an attention grabbing design and you’ve got them hooked.

Printed on our medium weight, recycled papers they are affordable and sustainable, meaning you can post all over town safe in the knowledge your eco-friendly prints are leaving marks on people, not planets.

And did we mention all of our packing is plastic free and recyclable? We did now.

What's a poster?

a placard or bill posted or intended for posting in a public place, as for advertising.
a large print of a painting, photograph, etc., used to decorate a wall:posters of street scenes.
the post man/ woman/ person

Our Papers

Unicorn White

Our trusty Unicorn White stock has been around since day one at PRINT.WORK. It’s part of our core paper range and is suitable for everything from bold colour art prints, business stationery, recyclable flyers and printed postcards.

It’s an uncoated stock made from 100% genuine de-inked post consumer waste and FSC® certified. Made in an industry leading mill to strict ISO 14001 standards for environmental management, our Unicorn White is processed chlorine free (PCF) significantly reducing water contamination from processing.


Smooth to the eye, textured to touch. This is our whitest paper that we have available – although worth noting that it is not a bright white stock – it has a more natural finish, with dark flecks throughout.


  • Everyday printing
  • Full colour printing
  • Affordable art prints
  • Stationery


Due to the recycled nature of this stock, flecks may vary between batches

Large concentrations of ink can give your artwork a slight sheen once printed

This paper is:


FSC® Certified

100% Recycled

Leaf icon

Carbon Offset


Fully Recyclable


More Things

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Comic Books

Sci-fi, horror, manga, superheroes - you name it, we've got what you need! Keep scrolling to browse our comic book options.
