Sticker Sample Prints

Keen to see how your sticker designs print before committing to a bigger order? Order some samples to help you make up your mind.

Sticker Sample Prints

Upload your artwork on the cart page

Want to layout and preview your prints? Order on desktop and use our artwork preview tool.

We offer up to 4 different sticker designs on a sheet. Just add ‘1’ sample sheet to your basket, upload your 4 separate artwork files and leave the rest to us!

If you would like to test more than 4 designs, please add more sample sheets to your basket.


Explore your options

If you’re ordering sticker samples, this may be your first time ordering with us, so check out our guide below on how to set up your artwork ready to print.

With free shipping and a quick turnaround, these samples make your very important sticker decisions speedy and affordable!

How to set up your stickers to print:

  • All files submitted should be at 300DPI to ensure a high quality print.
  • Files should be submitted in PDF, PSD, or AI format.
  • Each individual sticker design should have at least a 5mm gap between them.
  • Each sticker requires a 1.5mm safe area inside the cut line, and a 1.5mm bleed area outside of the cut line.
  • Cut lines need to be supplied in magenta and as a separate layer within the file.

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